July 7, 2011

I'm teaching my son to do chores!!!

So, the title of this post is semi-true. Zac LOVES to help do chores with me. I let him do them as long as it doesn't compromise his safety - even if it means I have to clean up even more later. The reason I'm doing this is because he's learning to enjoy working! He is learning to help happily and if they start young they'll never stop :) Anyway, he helped me sweep and mop today. SOOO adorable. He loves these activities more than most others.

After we mopped I put Zac in the bath to clean him up. The litte tyke can get out of the bathtub by himself now! It was soooooo incredibly hard to not just laugh when he climbed over the side and started running away laughing hysterically naked and dripping wet. I'm proud of my son's accomplishments.

Zac's imagination has sparked recently. He's started to "talk" on the phone :) He hold it up to his ears and says "Hi" over and over and over again. I pretend that I'm talking to him and he just listens and says bye after I say bye. So cute.


  1. I love this. And I love your blog. And I love you! Also, this was particularly interesting to me because I'm reading Rousseau's theories about child rearing for one of my classes. There is so much more to teaching children than having them around. Of course you're a fabulous mother ;)
