September 28, 2010

All about Baby Blacker

These are so recent pictures of baby Zachary. He's constantly trying to grab things and put them in
his mouth, this includes his legs and feet. In one of the crib pictures you will see a blue thing hanging on his crib. This is his new piano. He kicks it and it makes sounds. All of us love it sooo much. The woman that's in Nate's classes that gave us a ton of baby stuff about 6 months ago gave us some more the other day and this piano thing was one of the things. I also can't get the words to not be underlined. I never thought I was technologically savvy but I never thought I'd have this many confusions. Anyway, enjoy the pictures of Zac.


  1. Yay for a blog! can't wait to see you guys!

  2. haha! I think its hilarious that you put your baby on the top shelf. :) I love the pictures! and I love you!!!

  3. I can't believe how big he's getting! What a cute little guy! :)

  4. I love that I can see you in the last picture in the mirror making a face at Zac!
