December 5, 2010

Long time no blog

Hi everybody! Sorry you haven't been updated on our lives for a month. But this will make up for it all.

The first week of November, Becca came to visit and she brought lots of friends :) She's on BYU's women's Frisbee team and there was a tournament at UNM and half of them stayed at our house for the weekend. Loved it!!! It was so much fun to go cheer for them all afternoon long. BYU rocks. A really cool thing about this team is that they don't play on Sundays. They go to lots of tournaments but only play on Saturday. A couple years ago they went to a tournament and only played on Saturday and on Sunday when the rankings were posted, they were ranked 6th (?? it might have been 4th - can't remember) even after only having played on Saturday. Let me tell ya, they are that good! I especially loved being able to open our home to others and serve. It made me soooo excited for future letting-people-stay-at-our-house-happenings :) They also gave us a BYU Frisbee and they all signed it :) We hung in up on the wall. Hehehe. We can't wait to actually use it.

School is winding up. I Can NOT Wait for this week to be over. It will be so wonderful to feel free; to feel like I have time and energy to make dinner; to play with Zac all day long and not feel like a slacker; to have my husband around for 1 month and 1 week! Allllsssooo, when this week ends Bryan and Aubri will be getting married! YAY! New sister to love :) Also, I simply adore weddings. I really really enjoy them. A lot. Since we're part of the wedding part I've started to experiment with my hair to see how I want to do it. I haven't done anything fancy since my hair's been long so there are lots of experiments. Also, I've painted my nails fun and cutesy - they're purple :)

Another allllsoooo: after the wedding...WE'RE GOING TO UTAH FOR CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!! Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! I. LOVE. MY. FAMILY. I'm SOOOOO excited to spend time with my sisters and parents. It's not fun living far away from them.

Zac is an army crawler and can get to where ever he wants to be. Always. It's exciting but also kind of nerve wracking. He also LOVES to walk. During Thanksgiving, at the Blacker Grandparent's house where they have all tile floor, Zac would race around the house over and over and over and over again in his walker. He also likes to walk while someone holds his hands. Sometimes he cries simply because we aren't helping him stand up and walk around.

Cute but long video of Zac during bath time - it's cuter than the pictures.

We have a Christmas tree. Nate loves it. I love it. Zac Loves it (only with the lights on). We have a plethora of ornaments on it now (Thanks to Dad and Mom Blacker) and it looks pretty awesome.

Well, that was going to be all but then I remembered........................

Taylor Swift

Dear world, I love Taylor Swift's music. I love that she writes her own lyrics and music and that her music is real. It's about life as everyone knows it (especially teenagers in or out of relationships). If everything else fails, I love Taylor Swift's songs.

Then I also remembered...that bush/flower plant that was in the last post and was white. Yeah, it's not white now.

Also, Nathan gave Zac a "tooth" with mashed potatoes. Both my men were proud of themselves.

Now that's all :) MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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