October 16, 2010
It's Fall!!!!!!!!!!!!!
On a side note of that, Nathan had Fall Break this week. One of the things we did was watch all of the Lord of the Rings movies. We dressed up :) When we first started watching them I was astounded at the amount of color the scenary has. I was practically drooling at the grass.
We also went on a mini-back-packing trip. Zac even has his own sleeping bag. We hiked until we found a flat spot and had dinner, played games, slept, had breakfast and went home. It was really nice to get away.
Can you tell our son likes to move a lot? Sometimes he bucks like a bronco. It's pretty entertaining but makes for unfocused pictures.
These are my wool socks and chocos combined :)
In this picture Auntie Shantae and Grandpa Blacker are helping Zac learn how to crawl. Hehehe :) So cute.
It's really cute because he always seems to want to help us do what we're doing. This is especially true with the stroller. He really likes to put his hands on the the stoller and help me push it while I'm holding him. Silly kid. He also eats everything he tries to help us with, like the pillows.
Nathan's brothers (Russell and Bryan ) and our future sister-in-law (Aubri) came down for the Balloon Fiesta last weekend. It was a lot of fun - besides getting up early. As most of you know, I Hate getting up early. The reasons I hate getting up early are: I don't fall asleep easily and haven't been falling asleep until 1 AM lately and because I can't nap while going to school and having a baby and living life.
While Bryan and Aubri were here, he proposed to her!
It was very exciting :) I'm excited to have another sister. Also, Bryan and Aubri and Nathan and I took a ride on the tram here. It's the first time since Zac has been born that we've gone a date without him besides going to the temple. It's a really cool thing to go on dates. The tram takes you from the base of the mountain up to the crest in about 14 minutes. It was exhilirating because we were so high up in the air. This picture is only of the 1st section of the tram. This is not the mountain.
That's all I can think of for know so Ta ta for now.